Nora Jones new CD -- Copy Protection -- YIKES

Can you believe this?? We work for years to get the sonics right...and now we have to deal with this copy protection BS.

I've heard that since the copy protection is based in windows executable files...that you can simply copy the CD using a mac and the copy protection is gone.

Are there any computer techies out there that could confirm or refute this.

I just burned a copy for my personal use. I have a Mac. Guess there is no problem with iTunes. I was doing some surfing on Ebay and found someone selling this disc. Couldn't see the label very well. But looked like it denoted that it was copy protected. I think they have been doing more of that in the UK.
Send a message. Don't purchase this release.

As much a I love her music and as much as I need well recorded stuff, I will not support this crap.

I will spend my money on other artists and other labels.
I couldn't make a copy on my work machine (MS XP), but it went o.k. at home using win98 ????
Here is the telephone number to Blue Note records.

(212) 786-8600

Call them and express your disatisfaction. I hope Agon lets this post go through even though they have a policy against posting phone numbers. We shouldn't have to put up with this. At least they could have put a warning sticker on the disc. Like I said, if I can't play it on my computer, then I don't want it.

I just got off the phone with them. They informed me that this CD is ment to by played in audio only (stand alone) CD/DVD players.

Good luck,