Interconnect to tame bright sounding CDP

What would be a good pair of interconnect for a bright
sounding CDP. I have a Cary 303/200 that is a bit bright
in my system. It may improve after it is completedly broken in but I doubt it will improve much. I am looking for a good pair of interconnect in the $500.00 - $700.00 range.
I would appreciate your recommendation.

The rest of my system is:

Audio Refinement pre-2dsp (surround sound processor and pre)
Audio Refinement Multi 5 amp
Spendor S8
Harmonic Technology Pro9+

I am not sure why but maybe I am sensitive to bright sounding equipment. I intentionally use the spendor since they are very laid back especially on the treble.

With the Cary, it's not really the bright treble that bothers me, sometimes there seems to be a type of sound that manifest themselves into sounding almost like static noise.
I don't think it comes from the cdp because it only comes on during a musical passage that has a lot of high frequency contents. There also quite a bit of sibilance on the femail vocal, but it could be just extra details from the player.
I used to have a Nad541i and it rolls off the high frequency more.
Some static noise and sibilance could be a speaker driver problem.

Getting back to the "brightness," I can't see what in your system would necessarily cause that. I'm with Bluefin in thinking that some room treatments might be in order.
Yor problem is obvious. All anyone has to do is look at your system components. You lack proper noise filtration and digital needs excellent noise filtration in oder to be non fatiguing. Search the archives and work this out.
I was in dialogue with someone on audiogon who owned the same cd player/transport and with the same problem. I suggested him to get a CEC transport to go with the dac he was using, and the problem with went away.