Philips 963SA normal characteristics?

I just got a Philips 963SA. stock player

1. I think it sounds rather flat, like most Japanese equipments (think Philips is Japanese?). Even with the 192K upsampling it's flat, uninvolving, and not that much better than without upsampling. I'm a bit disappointed, especially with all the praises I've heard for this thing and the SACD 1000. Does this sound about right to others, comments, opinions please.

2. Is it normal for the disc loading to be so noisy. It makes some weird robotic cartoon-like noises be4 opening up and while loading
Mine took quite a bit of time to break in. Maybe 100 hours.
Sounded a whole lot better after upgrading one capacitor for about $30 not including labor.

Mine has started to make a fluttering noise on some discs. Particularly discs that may be warped. Happened to a friend's too. Hope it doesn't get any worse.
I have well over 1800 hours on mine, and paid less than $350 for it with a 5 year warranty. My Sony DVP-S7700 stopped playing dvd's so I took it to work to use with my hd600's. I got a new amp and speakers at the same time (bad idea since I lost my reference point) and played away. Sound was detailed, yet I did not really seem to have any bass and I thought it was my new speakers. Just for laughs, I connected the sony again. Night and day, bass returned and music was much fuller. Now the phillips is used only for dvd and sacd. Cabling used was all cardas hexlink and quadlink. Picture on the phillips is outstanding.
I'd give it at least 200 hours before deciding. Mine sounded flat for the 1st 100. Then it opened up a bit but the bass got boomy. Around 200 hours the bass settled down.

The best thing this player has going for it stock is: detail, imaging, midrange clarity, powerful (though not tight) bass.

Weaknesses: high-end is AWOL, sound is dead-center neutral (ok if you like neutral, though I prefer warm). Also seems to be an annoying frequency peak in the lower treble (though this could be aggravated by my system, cabling).

Had mine modded by EVS. Made soundstage deep, wide, and tall. Sound is much smoother, quieter. Treble is very smooth, detailed. Cymbals sound more real than any digital source I've heard. Bass is cleaner.

But, it still retains some characteristics of stock player: still neutral, bass still isn't tight. But man is classical music nice on it; I can hear every musical line clearly.

Still, not sure if I'm 'there' yet.
Philips is Dutch, the 963 I have is made in Hungary. The sound is generally as you describe -- it gets better with time, as all others have noted.
OTOH, this player has a good DVD image and some very good components inside. It's a prime candidate for a good mod to the dac & the PS. Overall, for $~500-600 mod + ~400 for purchase, it's a very good deal.