Problems with U.S. Customs - Watch Out

A couple of weeks ago I agreed to buy a cd player from a fellow audiogoner in good standing from Canada. (I'm located in the U.S.) Upon receiving my check, he shipped the unit out FedEx ground the same day. Using the tracking number I could see it steadily making progress until a "Customs Delay" notice appeared.

After hours on the phone with FedEx inquiring as to the delay, the seller was informed he needed to file one form for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), a "Declaration for imported products subject to radiation control standards" (I guess the FDA is worried I might eat the cd player) and another for the FCC, a "Statement regarding the importation of radio frequency devices capable of causing harmful interference" (I'm not sure how a cd player has the potential to cause harmful interference).

In additon the seller had to pay a hefty brokerage fee to FedEx Ground for a surety bond.

After the seller completed all the paperwork and payed the associated fees, I assumed the cd player would be released by customs. That was until later in the day when I got a call from FedEx saying the cd player was being held by U.S. customs for a visual inspection. E.g. the will be removing it from the seller's careful packing and poking and proding it to make sure it isn't something nasty.

I still don't have any idea if and when I'll get the unit.

Anyone have any similar problems dealing with U.S. Customs?
If you were on vacation and bought a peice of audio equipment to bring back, how much would one have to pay in duty?
It depends on what kind of equipment it is, and where it is made. (in Canada/US, or off-shore, etc.) A lot of duties are lower or gone, due to the Free Trade Agreement. I don't think there are any duties on CD players, but I'm not up-to-date on that stuff.
You can always call Customs and ask them or check the Customs websites for that information.
This is not about US costum maybe, I send a package
in Hungary,sp cables and ic, still have not receive
them after twenty days,anyone has idea how strict,
the costum there?I check them on the costum here per
USPS,recomendations.They said they have nothing to
do with outgoing package,