How is your many titles in your digital collection

This thread is spawned from what I believe to be misleading information being passed on us by the RIAA. So please post how many titles you have in your digital collection be sure to break it down by format. For example mine would be:

2000+ Redbook
250+ SACD
150 DVDv
0 DVDa

Please don't get into heated debate about this and please everyone who has a digital collection post your results as to create a wide and diverse audiophile "cross-section" and if you analog people want to include vinyl that number I guess we can let it slide :)

Actually, Tireguy is making a big move into the music sector, he wants this information so he can become a big rich fat bastard by overcharging you our of yer hard earned dollars for inferior formats! DONT LET HIM DO IT!

2...300 red book
about 75 among them OOP or never-to-sell items.
1500 vinyls
none still found for myself among SACDs or other formats.