sacd,vinyl, and rebook....

Just to echo some common remarks:

"sacd is like vinyl without the clicks and pops"

"sacd is a marginal improvement, if any, over redbook"

"sacd is a smoke and mirrors ht campaign designed for multi-channel use and copyright protection agendas"

at any rate...which of the above best describes this format?
Slappy KNOWS what is best. Thank goodness he visits Audiogon and sets the record straight!
No problem Mr. Porter! Happy to clear things up.

any educated audiophile knows that there is really nothing above 10k hz worth listening too anyways. As long as it hits the bass so hard you cannot hear the treble, you have a true "audiophile reference system"

I love this quote:

Regarding SACD vs DVD-A, Hawkford(Professor at UK's University of Essex),stated that SACD could be better in lower-priced equipment, but that "cost-no-object gear may favor DVD-A." In either case, "bass management is a major pain," he stated to sporadic applause. Hawksford also left little doubt as to his feelings about SACD releases sourced from PCM recordings: "They should be banned!" File under the heading "Weapons of Music Destruction."
This issue with the same people replying has been covered time and time again- we all know the lines have been drawn and for what ever reason your on one side or the other. There aren't many middle ground people in this debate. Let the good horse die with out another beating.