sacd,vinyl, and rebook....

Just to echo some common remarks:

"sacd is like vinyl without the clicks and pops"

"sacd is a marginal improvement, if any, over redbook"

"sacd is a smoke and mirrors ht campaign designed for multi-channel use and copyright protection agendas"

at any rate...which of the above best describes this format?
In my own extensive personal experience, a well recorded DVD-Audio disc simply sounds better in the highs, and more focused and alive, than most all SACD discs.
I have did many comparisons in my system as well as in my friends systems. They all came to the same conclusion!
When I first heard a great SACD I was fairly impressed and thought,"this sounds great, better than CD, but something is not quite right about the sound, especially in the highs". I still have reservations about it. Most all SACD titles I own are either basically equivalent to their Redbook counterparts, or only very slightly better.
I have also come to the conclusion that most all mainstream multi-track pop and rock recordings sound better and benefit more from DVD-Audio in the High Resolution Stereo mode than SACD in the two channel mode.
On the other hand, when I first heard a well recorded DVD-Audio disc, I was blown away immediately! This was the best digital I ever heard by far! I was, and still am very impressed by well recorded discs. There was a "rightness" to the sound that I noticed immediately.If DVD-Audio fails, and it looks like it probably will, I for one will be very disappointed!DVD-Audio has the sampling rates and bits that Sony should have used when CD was first introduced! I think audiophile consumers would have been much happier with the sound of CD's and digital in general. And imagine how good it would have sounded today with those 22 years to refine it!
I still think that a high-end vinyl set-up sounds better than any of the digital formats. More palpable and real.
But, these analog systems that I heard were EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! And I agree with Loontoon about good analog burned on a CD-R sounds better than the commercial CD versions of the same material! I burned many of my records onto CD-R's a couple of years ago, and was EXTREMELY impressed with the results!
As far as bang for the buck, I think DVD-Audio is hard to beat! Granted, this MY opinion based on MY system and friends systems, and based on MY tastes in audio sonics and music. Others may totally disagree with me.
Now you all can throw stones at me!
IF you have speakers that go well beyond 20K there is no doubt SACD is worth it. Some simple DQ-10's will prove that to you. Just play Becks "Sea Change". Those first notes glisten like never before.
Slappy KNOWS what is best. Thank goodness he visits Audiogon and sets the record straight!
No problem Mr. Porter! Happy to clear things up.

any educated audiophile knows that there is really nothing above 10k hz worth listening too anyways. As long as it hits the bass so hard you cannot hear the treble, you have a true "audiophile reference system"