Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
so Sean you're not the only one here with a guilt complex? If you think it was me, well then I'll admit I think it might have been me, but I actually don't remember. Admittedly I have occasionally (actually rarely) picked on a few irresistables, but I sure don't make a habit of it. Not that I'm trying to claim that "esteemed member" status, anything but...
At any rate, when I met Mr. Ryder in person he didn't remark about it one way or the other. Still I wonder??? I will say that Craig is in reality anything but clueless, very knowledgable esp. about those tube things.
Anyway I'm like Mr. Porter; I figure the real thing is plenty good enough.
My real name is too long and few pronounce it right. Plus, when I first entered the internet fray, I thought people were supposed to use anonymous monikers. I played around with a few options but most were already taken in Yahoo so I settled on a combination of two nicknames. Fly was formed when an engineering fraternity (was much more fun than it sounds) pledge brother butchered my last name when we were introduced -- it stuck. Oz was formed more recently when my classmates (continuing ed executive leadership class, also was much more fun than it sounds) named me after the wizard himself owing in part to my data mining/data base responsibilities. Hence, Ozfly. Good post -- it was and will be fun to read the rest.
My name Gunbei, pronounced [Goom-Bay] is based on a ficticious samurai character from the early '70's Sword of Vengeance series. Some of you may know these films as Wolf and Cub or Baby cart or even by it's Japanese name Kozure Ohkami [Lone Wolf with Cub]. I grew up watching these films thirty years ago in the many Japanese theaters Los Angeles had back then. My namesake made his appearance in the fourth film known as Baby Cart in Peril. For those of you familiar with Kurosawa's films, well this isn't like them. Neither are these films like any of the cheaper, formula "Chanbara" TV series which were like a Japanese Gunsmoke. I understand that Road to Perdition borrows much from this thirty year old series. The photography and framing of each shot in this series let's you know artists and people that care were at work here. Here's a link to the episode Gunbei makes his appearance. He's the one on the right in the second photo with sword held high.

? http://blofeld.qbranch.s`e/~maal01/lwac/Meifumado%20The%20Lone%20Wolf%20and%20Cub%20movies%20Baby%20Cart%20in%20Peril.htm
Is this some kind of twelve step program where wh each have to confess a deep dark secret. Okay, don't tell anyone but I secretly lust after Albert Porter's cable.
My name was actually confered upon me by my younger brother after I left home and was traveling around the country. When I wrote to him instead of signing my name I wrote my initials NRK. The next time he worte to me he addressed the letter to anarchy, but wrote it more phonetically. It's not as interesting once it's been explained.
I really like the work "kinetic", perhaps because of a well-crafted line by Rush drummer/lyricist Neil Peart:

"...we break the surface tension with our wild kinetic dreams."

To me, music has an almost mystical ability to take you into altered states - to deeply MOVE you.

I figured that since "telekinesis" is the power to move things with the mind, then "AudioKinesis" would be the power to move things with sound.

I use my business name as a moniker for obviously self-serving reasons, but I do think it's a fairly cool business name. In real life, I'm Duke LeJeune.