Better then Proceed CDD and AN DAC1.1x?

I have a Proceed CDD and a Audio Note 1.1x I am considering to sell to purchase a single box CD player with balanced outs. The Audio Aero Prima 24/192 looks nice, but would it sound better? I do not want a CD player that has a volume control even if it can be defeated. I only play readbook cd's. I have a Karan KAi180 integrated amp and Merlin VSM-M speakers. I prefer a single box player with balanced outputs and no attenuation adjustment option on those outputs.

Can highly recommend the MLevinson 37 in place of the Proceed CDD.I have a ML 37 and before that had a Proceed CDD.I use a 36s with the 37.Ml 37 and the Benchmark DAC should work really well.Think this combination would rather be at the level of the Capitole than the Primo.


Much better in all regards.Hugh sound stage,more natural sounding,better detail retrieval.In a nutshell it is better.The 37 and the Proceed DAP also sounded good,36s slightly better.The Drive made the largest improvement.
Good Luck
