Audio Aero Pirma DAC versus MF TriVista 21 DAC


Did anyone compared these two DAC's?

I use the AA Prima DAC (also as preamp) with Metronome T1A Signature transport.


Renaat Mattheus
Thanks guys for the recommendations. Maybe I'll start with power conditioning: do you know Isotek Sub II ?

My listening space isn't treated... what would you suggest?

Isn't the MIT M3 a copper cable?

@ Boa: glad to hear you know the Flemish Lion !! I love him !!

Re: wire. I would suggest 1-1,2mm magnet wire (pure copper, enameled). A good, fresh, beer helps, too:) Cheers!

I'll go for the Flemish beer !

Coudl you give me a brandname that makes those enameled pure copper 1-1,2 mm magnet wire...

Just go to any electronics supplies or electronics repair shop and ask for magnet wire (the wire used in winding magnets, voice-coils for speaker drive units, etc). They'll give you the wire for a few Euro. All you need are about 12-15 m to make a 3-3,5m pair of spkr cable.

Cheers (trappiste beer is the healthy stuff)
I would try an aftermarket powercord. I use the Elrod on my AA Capitole. Not sure about the Prima. Power cords tend to be used these days as tuning devises. I know my Audio Aero w. out the Elrod can be less than musical & slightly harsh. With the Elrod everything snaps into place. On another note,you will need time to let everything settle down to hear the benefits. Although you will hear a change right away,the long term listenability will be the ultimate decision maker.

One last guess, is the Primas tubes might be noisy. It can happen.

Elrods come up used quite often here.