Audio Aero Pirma DAC versus MF TriVista 21 DAC


Did anyone compared these two DAC's?

I use the AA Prima DAC (also as preamp) with Metronome T1A Signature transport.


Renaat Mattheus
Just go to any electronics supplies or electronics repair shop and ask for magnet wire (the wire used in winding magnets, voice-coils for speaker drive units, etc). They'll give you the wire for a few Euro. All you need are about 12-15 m to make a 3-3,5m pair of spkr cable.

Cheers (trappiste beer is the healthy stuff)
I would try an aftermarket powercord. I use the Elrod on my AA Capitole. Not sure about the Prima. Power cords tend to be used these days as tuning devises. I know my Audio Aero w. out the Elrod can be less than musical & slightly harsh. With the Elrod everything snaps into place. On another note,you will need time to let everything settle down to hear the benefits. Although you will hear a change right away,the long term listenability will be the ultimate decision maker.

One last guess, is the Primas tubes might be noisy. It can happen.

Elrods come up used quite often here.

Check this out for an effective, and reasonably priced solution:

You can also search the archives here if you want to try and make something yourself. The Michael Green kits are around $250, and you will be amazed at what just a little room treatment can do to take the harshness out of the sound.

Best of luck,

It's indeed most likely an AC problem, but probably otherwise then is stated before. I've had the same thing occuring with my auditioning of an AA Capitole mkII. In my case I had the AAC correctly plugged in my MIT Z-center (wich is very important with AAC), but my poweramp in the wrong way. Indeed pain in my poor ears! First I also tried other cables, but this didn't chanched anything of course. Everything plain on the mains, that was the moment I discovered my mistake with the poweramp.
So check if the rest is connected in phase on the main.

Good luck, Edzard
I just compared the trivista21 with a.a. prima dac (latest version)...
both are very good. both are very smooth & neither has
the nasty digital sound that many cd players have. neither are sharp. the aa is costlier and maybe worth the difference in price. the aa has more depth and is a bit more involving. unfortuantely, cable makes a difference
the $1200 aes/bu cable was significantly better than the $30 & $75 coax cable. however, sound on the cheaper cables
was enjoyable and had no unpleasantness. i used an accustic art tranport (excellent i think) is possible that you may have to
play around with transports/dac combinations (along with cable) to get rid of the nastiness you are experincing
