Jolida JD 100 vs. Simaudio Moon Equinox

I have heard and read much about the Jolida JD 100 both stock and mod versions. I have also found the Simaudio products to be very attractive, specifically the Moon Equinox. I was wondering if anyone had any experiemce with any of these players for comparison purposes. Also, just general experiemces with them individually.

Also, I have noted that there are many Jolida mod shops out there. Does anyone have a preference or opinion on them as well as opinions on the stock versus mod units.
I am seeing the conventional wisdom slowly shift to the side of NOT modding the Jolida. Mine is unmodded and am very happy with it. Rolling tubes is the way to go; try different ones to find your flavor, and you don't have to go NOS although there are some very nice ones there, GE and RCA come to mind.

Perhaps one reason there are so many mod shops doing this player is that it is darn good to begin with, and every mod afaik changes the tubes, so you DO get a different sound. Will you like it? Maybe.

Isn't the Sim more expensive? I have not heard it.
I own the Jolida, and would highly, crazily recommend it, especially the modded units, with upgraded tubes, it is a beautiful machine, sonically and esthetically. can't go wrong imo, especially for the price.

The Sim Equinox lists for $2200 I believe. I saw one on here for $1350 but decided against it. They are very good quality players, but my thoughts now are that if I go with Sim I would want the Moon Eclipse, which currently is out of my budget range. I am leaning towards the Jolida and testig it out against a transport/DAC set-up. The transport would be the CEC TLZ51 and the DAC Audio Mirror which is non-up/oversampling. I'm searching for a very analogue sound as I am really a vinyl junky and my SOTA TT which I am refurbishing won't be back for a month. So I have some time to play and compare.

Why do you prefer the modded units? Do you have a preference for Underwood mods or some other shop like Sound Odyssee. It seems a basic mod package might be enough to improve the sound but not enough to dramatically change the unit. Any thoughts on this? BTW - United Home Audio really is against the mods, but I hear they are owned by Jolida so I'm not sure how much credibility I'll give them. Many people in the forums just like to tube roll, but I'm really curious about the mods, especially replacing the clock with a Trichord or Audiocom.
sorry about the late reply, my unit is not really "heavily" modded, the shop that did mine, mainly replaced the stock tubes with the electro harmonix, switched out the output jacks with more heavy duty rhodium plated jacks, and rewired the output with silver wire, then damped the unit very heavily, which i think makes a hugh difference in the bass extension, the tubes and damping probably do the most sonic improvement, the jacks, i like, simply because they fit tighter, and provide a better connection. anyway, hope that helps.