I agree, this is a very good thread indeed...One which I hope to confuse even further.
The system listed in my virtual system is the one I've lived with for over a year and a half. Just over a month ago I received a solid state Ack! Dack! 2.0 to compare to my Kora Hermes tube DAC. About two weeks ago I received a Bel Canto SET40 high powered SET amp. And just last week I received an eXemplar Exception II preamp.
In the last five years, I have had only three different DACs in my system. The two listed above and before them a Bel Canto DAC 1.1. Of the three the Kora is by far the most musical to me. Can this be attributed to the tubed output stage? That would be my guess, but different design philosophies could also be what makes the difference, and my sampling of DACs is so small I'd be hesitant to state anything concrete.
In addition to the DACs, I am currently comparing two tubed preamps, and a solid state amp versus the SET amp. I have taken care to compare each component to its counterpart in as isolated a circumstance as possible, and the shocking thing to me is that the the two components that sound the most disparate are the DACs. Almost like night and day. And the funny thing is that I like both!
The two preamps I'm comparing have a similar character, but the eXemplar just has a bigger, more musical presentation than the Blue Circle. It could just be the difference in the model class levels, and therefore less compromises being taken with the more expensive unit.
Surprisingly, the SET40 and the BAT VK200 don't sound drastically different. I definitely prefer the SET40, but to hear the differences I have to cycle through many CDs, and even then the contrasts aren't that startling.
As far as using tubes for the DAC, preamp and amp being too much of a good thing, I'm lucky to say that this isn't the case in my system. No overly soft or round sound here. It seems the strengths of tubes have been magnified by having all three components of this design. Big soundstage, great imaging and a seductive and realistic midrange. I'm still stunned at how well the SET40 does bass.
Can a solid state CD player or DAC create good sound? Absolutely, but whether it'll sound like tubes or if you'll like it more than tubes is something only you can decide.
Sorry for the rant and slight thread redirection, but I just thought it might be interesting to share that of the components that I'm comparing, the ones with the biggest sonic contrast are my DACs.