Another Scam on E Bay

I bought a pair of Polk fx 1000 speakers from a company in California off of EBay, they were advertised as being new with a 5 year waranty, upon receiving them, they were obviously not new, also with a broken dipole switch and stripped threads on the bidding post, I called Polk and they said that the seller was not a authorized dealer and that there was no waranty, luckily my credit card company has put a hold on the charge, after that , the conpany contacted me and offered to replace speakers if I filed a claim for shipping damage against ups, I told them that the speakers were not damaged by ups, and would not participate in fraud against ups, at that point they hung up on me, this company has many ads for polk speakers on ebay, before you buy ask for sereial numbers and check with polk !
Sean, this sounds like a matter that the local police could provide some assistance with. I think the seller's city is identifiable on Audioweb as it is here on A'gon. Depending on the seller's location and his surname, it might be possible to VERY QUIETLY track down his identity with the assistance of local police. This request would be best if it were to come from either Audioweb or the manufacturer. The problem is that many online scam artists operate under false identities from large cities and use P.O. boxes, etc. Once they know somebody is on to them, they're gone!
I recently had a scam where somebody user my user ID sell nonexeistent merch.Like an idiot I had my user password and ID be the same (must have been not thinking when I set up account).Anyway somebody says he's "chazzbo" and sells 4 Playstations for $500 a whack.Only one of the 4 folks fell for it as they say that in past I was in western mass from my ads and then I moved to POLAND?!?Anyway this creep isisted that people only send him cash wired through Westerm Union.Feel bad for the guy who got stung.I wish I had used ebay while it was going on to see that "I" was selling something but ddidn't catch it in time.And my guess is ebay won't back this guy who lost out for mor than $100 or maybe $200 but certainly not $500.As always Caveat Emptor.
there are rules -- ask before bidding.
if you do not trust seller please submit this listing to the manufacturer and this situation will be handled.
that is the best thing to prevent before the illness takes place and cure the virus whilt it's in the development period.
The "funny" part about my situation is that the seller has his home address and real name listed in his Audioweb member "bio". Through this information, i was easily able to track down his phone number and that is how i was able to call his house. As such, if he is a "scammer", he's not a very bright one. Sean
Hey guys,

I believe that ALL buyers and sellers here at Audiogon should be verified. It would go a long way in keeping the riffraff out. I emailed this idea to Audiogon and got no reply. I feel that we should all be REAL and LOCATABLE.

Happy listening,