Martin Logan Versus Magnepan

How many people have compared the SL3 to the 3.6 or the 1.6 to the Aerius i? Which is the better panel speaker, and if Maggies don't have the curved panel, then how is the dispersion, and also they are much less sensitive then the logans, so how much power is enough for 3.6s?
I'll make one observation, in response to the last part of your question. A friend of mine has the Maggie 3.5s, which he drives with a Classe 200. He was in love with everything about the speaker, except that it didn't have quite enough punch on kick drum and drum kits for his tastes, which run primarily to rock. I listened to his setup and could see what he was talking about, although it didn't bother me with classical music. In talking with another friend whose opinions I trust, he felt that you really need a lot of power and current to make these speakers sing. I've heard 3.6s with Bryston and Sonogy amps which sound very good, but you're talking well over 200 watts and a good deal of current. I'm curious if other people who own them have had this experience?
Geeez Dug, ewe are everywhere! The issue of limited db on the ML's is like the difference bewteen your Pantera and your GTV6. I admit that the CLS's won't pay as loud as some speakers or go as deep (but the bass is there -- just not as apparent as some speakers because it is so CLEAN and TIGHT)-- but that's not why you buy these speakers. Wanna rock? Get a set of the big NHT's for a second system ;) Short of elctrostatics costing several times more, either CLSII will deliver "the performer is in the room with you experience" better than any speaker at a similar price level. (But imho the non-z's do it better and are more demanding, as well.) That is, if they are properly set up and have the right amplification and other upstream components. Getting to this point isn't everybody's cup of tea. Kind of like Eye-talian cars. By the way, all three Alfa's are running great. I'm still slowly trying to find the right Pantera. Best, Jim (from Alfa Digest,obviously)
hey, mistalava, my gtwe6 will *eat* my pantera for lunch, in *all* areas, except mebbe a straight-line. 'course, the beast is virtually bone-stock, while the gtwe is *far* from stock. oops, better cut this out - i was flamed big-time for telling some guys on a car-stereo-thread to turn their damn radios off & yust *drive*! ;~) oh yeah - speakers - i have a pair of larger vmps subs, crossed over at 60hz - bass isn't a problem in my system. but, sometimes i like it *loud* - the cls' 93db max won't do it for me. check out the mewform research www, & the audioreview comments about 'em - it mite pique yer interest - really. now - get back to the a/d!!! :>) doug
does anybody know how the mg 20 sounds? enough bass? how big of an amp do you need?