Best very small Speakers (at any price)?

I'm building a portable system that will fit in a small equipment suitcase. I'm using a 47 labs Gaincard (50w/ch) amp (that has stepped attenuators to eliminate the need for a preamp) and some yet to be named portable cd player. Has anyone heard some very small (maybe 9"x6"x6" or less) speakers that blow you away? thanks
Fit in a suitcase? NSM Moldel 10 is about 10",5.5",6" and 8ohm. The only other I can think of is the AVI NuNeutron. Its has recieved great press in Great Britain, but I dont know if its available in the U.S. Its a little bigger too, about 10.5",5.5",10". I would second the Audience 40, and add the Totem 1s but they are a bit larger. Good luck!
Given the size dimensions you specify, there aren't many speakers that are going to "blow you away". Listener magazine just ran a review on small speakers in the $500-750 range, and the speaker liked best by the 2 reviewers was a Reynaud model (see the article for specifics). I would also audition the Sequerra Pyramid MET-7, which sell for about $1000. Richard Sequerra designed this speaker, and it's a jewel. Sequerra sells the speaker direct, and has a Web site.
Hifinut: I understand about the cd player and will probably try to get the 47labs player. I guess its no secret that all the pieces have to be right. Blowing even one piece costs a huge penalty. About the dimensions I gave: those are just a guide to give you some idea about "very small". thanks
How about Linn Kans and Tukans? Proof of the oft used cliche about good things coming in small packages. Very tuneful speakers, in my opinion.