Tube Amps for Coincident Super Eclipse

I have just purchased a pair of Coincident Super Eclipses, and am seeking advice from my noble HI-FI friends on which tube amp to mate with these speakers. I would like to keep my price below $3500. I auditioned them with the Cary 300SEI and that was pretty sweet. Any thoughts?? Thanks!!!
Look on this site for a used Bel Canto SET40. 40 wpc of SET. More than enough to drive your speakers. I am currently running the SET40 with a pair of Vonschweikert VR-7's. The sound is wonderful.. all the virtures of low powered SET's but with enough juice to fill the room with wondeful music. The 845 tubes will last a long time.. about 8 years with normal use and they are still in production. The CJ amps that I tried were overly warm with soft bass. SET gives you that fast detailed sound with a mid range that is second to none.. mike
The EAR 534 is a great amp - very versatile in the balanced model with level controls for each channel. Tubes do not have to be perfectly matched and no bias adjustments are necessary. It looks great in chrome and sounds very musical with no fatigue. It retails for 3450 or so but every now and then it is on the used market. If not check with Galen Carol Audio in San Antonio -
I use a Jadis Orchestra Reference with Coincident speakers, and the sound is wonderful. The amp is $3500. The combination is synergy itself. And best of all, I can use silver cables, and there is NOT a trace of brightness. The silver allows me to see farther into the music than I have with ANY copper cable I have tried. I would consider an Orchestra, Orchestra Reference, or a used model of one of their more upscale products(be it an integrated or power amp).
I agree with the VT100 Mk II. This is the only way to go in your price range. Hell, man, it's the only way to go, period, with you speakers. The exception would be speakers with a difficult load. Then you'd need a VT 200. But the truth is that the VT 100 Mk II is better SOUNDING than it's big brother. Prices are great right now since Audio Research is shipping the MkIII versions. Right around $3,000.
I would look into an OTL amp by either Atmasphere or Transcendent. I believe the Coincidents have a fairly high impedence which makes it an ideal match for an OTL.