I know it is an optimized windows based computer and yes, I am relying on the folk who go before me as they have the expertise and from the various sites I've looked at there seems to be a general consensus about what I averred to, to the best of my understanding. To me, it simply makes sense.
And yes, they have all tried the formats discussed that most here find perfectly acceptable and go on to state that there is better out there.
And no, I haven't heard them all and it seems that most here haven't, as well. But that doesn't stop folk from proclaiming that 'this is the best' or 'this blows away that'.
There is an old saw that I like to go back to and it goes something like this:
"I will defend anyone who is searching for the truth but I'll fight anyone who claims to have found it'.
This is not to knock anyone who hasn't tried it due to lack of availability or funds. I'm just saying that there is more out there and there are those who are tried it and I, for myself, don't have to go through a process of constant upgrading, at considerable cost, when its been done by others.
I also take it, from your response (and I could be wrong) that what I've stated was meant to disparage or demean, which was never my intention. Its just that, in one form or another, one type of audio or another, this has gone through a similar gestation but the same learning curve applies and by now, one can see a way through it all at a cheaper outlay of one's hard earned cash.
The cost of these "opitmized" servers will come down and the quality will definitely go up in short order is all that I was trying to say.
Its not really all the amazing a conclusion to reach.
And yes, they have all tried the formats discussed that most here find perfectly acceptable and go on to state that there is better out there.
And no, I haven't heard them all and it seems that most here haven't, as well. But that doesn't stop folk from proclaiming that 'this is the best' or 'this blows away that'.
There is an old saw that I like to go back to and it goes something like this:
"I will defend anyone who is searching for the truth but I'll fight anyone who claims to have found it'.
This is not to knock anyone who hasn't tried it due to lack of availability or funds. I'm just saying that there is more out there and there are those who are tried it and I, for myself, don't have to go through a process of constant upgrading, at considerable cost, when its been done by others.
I also take it, from your response (and I could be wrong) that what I've stated was meant to disparage or demean, which was never my intention. Its just that, in one form or another, one type of audio or another, this has gone through a similar gestation but the same learning curve applies and by now, one can see a way through it all at a cheaper outlay of one's hard earned cash.
The cost of these "opitmized" servers will come down and the quality will definitely go up in short order is all that I was trying to say.
Its not really all the amazing a conclusion to reach.