Vibrapods and Speakers

After reading a Soundstage article couple years ago by Greg
Weaver I have been experimenting using vibrapods to decouple
speaker from stand/floor. In the original article Greg was amazed at the improvement in sound of his Von Schweikert speakers when he replaced the cones between the bass cabinet
and mid/high cabinet with vibrapods. I am very impressed using vibrapods on monitor speakers between stand and speaker to decouple speaker. Very noticeable increase in bass extension, more 3D sounding, and richer more natural sound. I will not go back to rigid coupled speaker/stand.
I am now experimenting using large vibrapods for floor standing speakers between speaker/floor. At first you will reject this out of hand because we have been told over and over that speakers should be cone/spike mounted, but I am not so sure. Any other members tried this approach?
Doug, it was TAS that raved about Pods under speakers. I tried them at the time but rejected them. I will try to find the time to try them again, but if my memory serves me correctly, there was a significant benefit in that cabinet resonance seems to all but disappear. Images seem more independant of the speakers. But as with most compliant vibration control stuff, all it was doing was moving the resonant frequency lower. With my Thiels it took me a few days to realise that I was no longer quite able to engage with how a female vocalist was singing - hard to describe, but the loss of musical engagement was very real. At the end of a week I was convinced that my musical enjoyment was greater without the Vibrapods than with them. This is not dissimilar to my experiences with bladder products - that they improve some of the sounds, but do damage to the music.
RedKiwi: I read somewhere about a speaker designer that did not go out of his way to eliminate speaker cabinet resonance and vibration, he instead tuned the speakers using the existing vibration. It may have possibly been Reynaud the manufacturer of my speakers, but I cannot remember. I have always suspected that removing too much vibration (on any component) may actually degrade or "un-voice" the sound. It all boils down to what we specifically like as far as the sound goes, but the logistics of it all (tweaking and fine tuning) gives me a headache sometimes.
The type of floor in your room has to do with this because if it´s suspended it vibrates and the pods isolate this. But if your floor is concrete and you don't live in a heavy traffic area or close to vibration sources it is an advantage to spike. I was using the bladder type for decoupling but have found more detail spiking to my solid tile floor. This is I think similar to what Redkiwi has found. It always depends on your equipment and listening environment been a comlex system what we all deal with considering interactions with environment and gear there are no totally correct alternatives ....
As happens with over dampening a room too much dampening or absorption of vibrations might lead you to less desirable results.
Dekay, FYI, I do not about Reynaud but Sonus Faber speakers are made in a way that purposely does not eliminate all the cabinet resonances. They claim the sound is more musical for this reason.
My single experience was kind of like Redkiwi's. I use Linn Sekrits, which are monitors but not a normal kind of box. They have a dedicated steel stand that bolts onto the back of the speaker. I tried V'Pods under the stands (suspended hardwood floor) and was really impressed at first. Better, more extended bass. More detail against blacker background. But I took them out about 2-3 weeks later. I had begun to be annoyed by a subtle raggedness in the midrange, which especially got to me when listening to female vocalists. At first, I was puzzled and didn't even think of connecting the problem with the V'Pods, but when it finally struck me to try taking them out, the problem was solved, and I was a happier man, even though I lost the V'Pods' benefits.