1K speaker advice?

I am looking to upgrade speakers from Dana Audio 1s to something full range with better resolution, with about $1K to spend. I have a NAD 100wpc power amp. I listen mostly to vocals, acoustic music, and blues - and to a lesser degree jazz, rock and classical. A local audio store has a used pair of Thiel C2 at $700. They sound great but I'm concerned about the age and how they will sound with my front end equipment. Am I better off buying something new - if so I welcome suggestions.
Pick up a pair of Martin Logan Aerius speakers used, ideal for your needs. Jeff
Thanks for the suggestions. I've not heard the Aegis 3a or the Audiovector M1 super.
nht 2.5 i / can pick them up for 700-800$ used. full range and very musical. i have had them hooked to a hafler 9180 (similar to nad). placement is important. they sound even better with upgraded amplification.
www.audioc.com--the sapphire III le. Well-reviewed. Also see www.audioasylum.com and do a search or audioreviews.com.
go to av123.com and look at the Diva 5.1 speakers.under $1000 and many say sound like $2000