Joseph Audio Speakers never show up used

Why do Joseph Audio speakers so rarely show up used? Do they sell a small number of speakers? (not many dealers?) Or, do owners love them and keep them forever?

I have found myself voting the "Joseph Audio room" in my top 3 at the last several Stereophile shows - and the Pearl speaker sounded fantastic at this most recent show in May. I've been toying with picking up a used RM33i (mini-pearl). I do wonder about their need for substantial power........

Anyway, let's hear from owners or prospective owners, or you if you have an opinion: why do these speakers so rarely show up on Audiogon?

Marakanetz, you are exactly right about Joseph RM33's. I hate to bash a product but the RM33 would only appeal to someone who has a lot of money and no ear for stereo stuff. But sees a high price so assumes it must be good.
Sorry, while the Pearl did sound excellent I was thinking, yea sounds about like $8,500 B&W Nautilus 802's. So Pearls are about $11,500 overpriced.
I think it has to do with love I have a pair of RM22si mark II's And I can't seem to ever want to replace them there great speakers and the more you play them the better they sound. and if you ever contact Joseph's he is a great person to deal with he answers all his call personaly. True there are not many dealers out there but it is worth finding one and getting a speaker demo.
Cdc, I heard each of Joseph's(RM33 or Pearl) only once and only with one setup. Maybe I should listen to Nautilus 802 with Manley electronics later somewhere since Manley electronics are always true for me. I realy don't know how to describe the way RM33 sound but it seemed that they sound like DJ horn-loaded JBL for $150 per pair(whata bargain instead of $7k!)
33i with Classe electronics? Hmmmm. I LOVE the Proac 3.8's but the one time I heard them driven by Classe electronics, they sounded awful. Very nasal. So, your comments on 33i are a good heads-up, that the 33i might not be at a level of sonic quality reflecting it's price and product positioning - but I think a listening with other electronics is called for.
I guess I am just lucky. I bought my RM22si's on this site about 4 months ago and just love them. I have them paired with a Classe Cap-150 integrated, Arcam FMJ CD-23, and Harmonic Tech cables and it sounds great -- very sweet, great imaging, etc. Still have not finished with my room/placement adjustments and can only imagine how much I will love them then.

However, as an earlier posted said, it probably has something to do with love. You won't see my pair on Audiogon unles I die and my girlfriend needs the money.