TUNING Sub - Speaker/GenesisV. Anyone?

I have a pair of GEN-Vs (with active subs powered by separate amp) and am having trouble tuning. The subwoofers' amp allows you to set the subwoofer cut-off frequency (up to 120Hz) as well as, subwoofer (relative) volume, and phase (the GEN Vs fire front & back, phase invert).
Anyone out there with sub-woofer -> speaker tuning experience? My main power amp is a Symphonic LIne RG7.
Pls don't disqualify me from this forum, but I blew one of my front ribbon tweaters (had a spare) -- is this part of the GenV package or (probably) am I doing something wrong? Maybe playing too loud? Anyone encountered this shortcoming?
Txs again
Gregm: It could be the amplifier was driven into clipping, which can burn the tweeter coil in any speaker pretty quick. How loud were you playing the speakers? How did the tweeter fail, did you burn the coil or does it sound raspy? What kind of music were you playing when it went.
About every 6 months I tighten the fasteners for all the drivers. They tend to loosen up. This problem is not limited to Genesis. Also, the tweeter may need adjustment, it can be opened and he Kapton ribbon can be re-aligned.
I really havenot had any problem with my drivers.
Amcore, thanks for responding. The coil was CUT at one point, and I had no sound coming out of it. I was playing with volume @11:00 (uneccessarily load, for my room, I might add) and the music was Mahler's 5th symphony.
By the way, I have never tightened the drivers -- that's great idea!
How did you realign the tweater? When I opened up the spare to add a new ribbon, there was seemingly only one way the ribbon could fit so that the connectors face in the right direction. I changed the round paper coming in between the magnet chasssis & the coil, using soft coffee filter paper -- but have not tried the driver since.
By the way, re: tuning. I have noticed that in my system, the midrange & upper mid sound a tad better / clearer when the control is set @ 1 than when set @ 2. This may be due to my amplification -- european gear does tend to emphasize mid-range -- but I think it's worth a try... However, I wouldn't change the sub's settings, as per Amcore's suggestions, to suit the midrange control.
I am now @ PH45, Low 86, Vol 36, and feel I'm close. I think Chesky's Listening Tests CD can also be of use here...
A very timely thread as I recently acquired a set of the Genesis V. I followed a similar path to that suggested above, tuning by ear. I then checked the response using the Spectraplus RTA program you can download off the web. It confirmed my settings, which with a little more tweaking produced a very flat result below 200Hz with the exception of some room boost at 30 Hz or so. I have the crossover at 85, gain at 17 and phase at 180.

I have noticed there is a bit of a dip at around 250-300Hz. There was some talk earlier about having the speakers 6-7 feet apart to help couple the mid bass. Mine are nine feet apart. Would bringing them closer togethr help?



I also had mine about 9' apart as I alway like my speakers
spread apart about that distance. But the Gen V's sound
better 6-7' apart with no toe in. If you keep them a 9'
toe them in over each shoulder, if not you will not get
any imaging at all.