Does sub cable also have to be high end?

After spending too too much on PowerSnakes, Bybee filters, Red Dawn II's, Golden Cross RCA's, etc -- I'm wondering if the quality of the sub cable also makes a difference, as it is just responsible for low frequency. My system is a hybrid combination of HT and 2 channel SACD stuff, some reasonably hi end. HT: Marantz 14EX (rear channels, surrounds), Aranov 9100 Mono Blocks (front channels for HT and 2 channel stereo) Red Dawn Rev II speaker cables. Pioneer DV-38 (HT DVD and DVD Audio): First Sound Reference II Passive Preamp and Sony SCD-1 for two channel. Kef Reference 4's in front (roll off at about 30), Kef Ref 2's in rear, Kef Bipolar surrounds and Kef 200 Centre for 7.1 channel THX-EX. Bybee filters, Power Conditioners, etc.

Sub to connect is Velodyne HGS 18. Please let me know what others have used to connect the big Velo in a high end HT system that is also used for 2 channel or DVD audio and if I need to spend $$$ on a long cable (unbalanced). Will be used 75% for HT and 25% for DVD-A (which to me, has not lived up to its promise and the reason for me buying SCD-1).
Thanks Bmpnyc. I saw the BL-1 subwoofer cable at an audio site, but forgot where. Audionet you say? I was wondering how it performed. Glad to hear it's working well in your system. For the last six months I too have been getting good results with DH Labs cables for bass. I have DH Labs Silver Pulse interconnect hooked to my sub. I think it has excellent tone and extension. Very tight.
For hand-soldered and terminated DH Labs cables, call Jeff at Value Audio (831-464-3864). He hand-made some BL-1 cables for me in different lengths and did a beautiful job. Plus prices are great.
Sub cables absolutely will make a difference. Does your bass performance improve when you use better speaker wire and/or interconnects? Then, why wouldn't your sub?