The ProAc 1SC is our first choice from the three that you have inquired on. However, we have not heard the R3, but the 1.3SE might be too dry with your system. The Tablette 2000 (in the ProAc line) should also work well, being your least expensive choice, to meet your criteria. As a precaution with ProAc speakers, they don't match well with Kimber Kable (i.e. a tendency to be on the bright side), as something to consider if you have or are planning to use Kimber in your system.
There are others that we would recommend as well, and we're sure others would agree. The Merlin TSM-SE, Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors, and although they are large, expensive ($11,500), stand mount speakers, the Talon Peregrine are full-range (19Hz[!]-25kHz) monitors, that will handle 1000 watts.
Our favorite choice to meet your criteria is from Voce Divina. With uniquely superb looks, in a choice of decadent finishes for the monitors, the Soprano/Baritone combination (i.e. minimonitors and bass speaker stands) will give you a full-range (20Hz-25kHz) sound that most floorstanding models cannot match. Build quality is second to none.