I have heard the Red Rose in the showroom demonstrated by "the master" himself, Mark Levinson. I have never known anyone that can do a demo better than him, whether it was Red Rose or Cello. Although they are totally different design concepts, they are both fantastic.
I personally own a $60k B&W/Krell setup, but when I heard the Red Rose R3's, I was blown away. I didn't get the visceral feel of my system, but the R3's were able to do things that I've never heard a small speaker do.
You can't and won't go wrong with the R3's. Buy them!
I personally own a $60k B&W/Krell setup, but when I heard the Red Rose R3's, I was blown away. I didn't get the visceral feel of my system, but the R3's were able to do things that I've never heard a small speaker do.
You can't and won't go wrong with the R3's. Buy them!