Hi All,
Whether the dome is able to be returned to the original shape will depend on the material from which it is constructed. Most Monitor Audio speaker use metal dome tweeters. Once a metal dome is damaged (pushed in or creased) it can never be reshaped to the original condition. A dome made of plastic or woven cloth can usually be returned to normal condition. As some have already suggested, a piece of tape can be adhered to the pushed in section of the dome and will allow you to gently pull it out. Other suggestions listed here that work are the vacuum cleaner (but be VERY careful!) or diassembling the dome from the magnet structure and reshaping it from the inside. Sucking it out with your mouth works most of the time as well but don't let your wife or girlfriend catch you!! Another method that works for a cloth diaphragm is to very carefully "catch" the center of the pushed in section with a very sharp needle and pull the dome back into shape (you should probably try some of the other methods first).
The dome of a tweeter IS the diaphragm. Its main purpose it to produce the acoustic output of the driver. It happens that it also keeps dust out of the magnet gap but that is not its main function. The rounded section in the center of most woofers and many cone midrange drivers is really just a dust cap. It is put in place to keep dust out of the magnet gap and motor assembly.
A pushed in dome is almost never covered by a manufacturer's warranty. You are lucky to have a good dealer that has taken care of you. When everyone here has the next discussion about the value of your local dealer, please remember this situation.
Best Regards,
Barry Kohan
Disclaimer: I am speaker manufacturer.