Help with Avalon Opuses

I am looking into getting a pair of Avalon opus speakers. I Would like to know the best amp choice with these for around $3500. Also would like to pick up a used pair of opuses but can't find any used.Anybody seen any? Cd player is Res cd 50 directly to amp. Music Is mainly jazz, female vocals
streetdaddy: the last commercial recording done by john hartford, of which i'm aware, is "big rock candy mountain," from the cd inspired by o brother, where art thou, "down from the mountain." if you don't already own it, buy it. listen to the "traditional" lyrics john sang. listen again. pretty soon, if you finally "get it," you'll be able to answer your own queries. -kelly
If tubes are your thing than try the Mesa Baron.I dig mine and can get 150 wpc in full Ppentode.Other folks out there are more in the know but the ability to switch the sucker on the fly according to what tunes I am lsitening to can't be beat.Right now using an efficient pair of monitors but am looking foward to getting a pair of big un's like the AP Virgo or 803N's.Still 150 watts for $4K list and good deals to be had used is hard to beat.Not sold on using EL34 instead of stock tubes (5881's)hear differing oppinions.
i use to think that the speakers were the most important part in the chain. they are not. if you spent more money on some powerfull tubes ,you could get by with less expensive avalons.
Stdaddy: generally speaking, Avalons support wide-bandwidth reproduction, they have speed & superlative dynamics. So, you'll need horsepower, fast (slew rate), and precise amps. Which brand? It's up to your musical tastes to make the choice.

If you fancy hi frequencies going beyond 20kHz in the deal (SACD, DVD-A, do extend beyond 20kHz), then wide bandwidth amps are something to look out for.
See Ucmgr's perceptible audio nirvana with Spectral gear.

Good luck!
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