Which speakers would be a good upgrade in a small

I am currently using Hales Sig 2's. The rest of the equip is Rowland Model 8, CAT sig, Linn LP12 Val with a well tempered Arm and Benz Ruby 2. Cable is Highwire bi-wire.
I really like jazz, rock, classical. The Hales do the imageing thing very well and have great midrange and timbre, but lack bass of course.
I have to move into small room, appx.10x9 with a vault ceiling; wander what would work well in this size of room with little or no room treatment.
Thanks for your help.
My room is only 10.5 X 11 and the talon peregrines sitting on a desk are producing the best bass i have ever heard. I'd get em if i were you.... Comparable to WATT 6s in every regard and betters them in many ways. They would be the best purchase you will ever make, and also jeff rowland uses them as his references to voice his amplifiers. - Ian
How about Piega P2 LTD monitors? They have nice bass extension and incredible midrange and treble: open, pristine and pure. Remind me of my Kharma Ceramique 1.0s. Also try Reference 3A Royal Masters; incredibly round tone and great bass extension in a monitor (bigger than average). I have the P2 LTDs in a 12x14x9 room on solid stands and they are spot on with jazz, piano, pop. I'm using the Rowland M2 with BPS to drive this system. ProAc 1SC or 2S may also be good.