Dunlavy out of buisness?

I just heard by a salesman that Dunlavy had/was going out of buisness. Anyone heard anything about this?
Have they joined Genesis and Arnie somewhere on a long vacation? Probably all playing great music through huge, fantastic speakers. I'd love to be on that desert island. I have really been sad to hear about Genesis, one of my favorite companies. And now Dunlavy too. I s'pose Bose is still steaming along.
I spoke with John Dunlavy on Monday, so he was still in the office at that point. (His status at the company was not the topic of our conversation.)
My understanding from my dealer, who has carried Dunlavy speakers from the start, is that John sold or is selling the company but will be staying on for a few more years, so the company won't be closing down. Hey, he deserves a chance to wind down and relax! Wish I could do the same at times.
if dunlavy "sold" his company to someone else in colorado springs, i'd be willing to bet the farm it's his largest secured creditor. if you think that bodes well, then you likely also believe that mr. dunlavy escaped australia whilst it was still a british penal colony. i'll check my local sources tomorrow and post any updates that seem worthwhile. -cfb
Any member who has access to the D&B commercial credit database can check out cornfedboy's suspicions. I'll contibute $10 to the cost of the query via paypal to any member who will run the query.