Improving bass response

I would like to improve the bass extension in my system. My current system includes Arcam Diva 92 > HT Pro Silway Mk II > Classe CAP-150 > Synergistic Research Sig. 2 > Sonus Faber Concerto speakers. Power cords are stock.

I know the SF monitors cannot reproduce extremely low bass. I have moved them around and believe they are optimally arranged, given the confines of the room. The room measures 15x25 feet and the speakers fire across the width of the room. They are 7 feet apart, several feet off the side walls on both sides and 2 feet away from the front wall. The sitting position is almost against the back wall and is not easily changed.

I want to avoid simply adding a sub-woofer. I have tried a Rel Strata and despite integrating fairly well, I can still hear a disconnect ie. the sound is not seamless.

I'm willing to change anything else except the Arcam which I like and intend to keep until the format wars end. I also like the speakers with the exception of the low end. Should I:

- try upgrading power cords
- change speakers (Grand Pianos or other suggestions)
- change integrated amp to separates with an amp that doubles down into 4 ohms and has better bass extension (the CAP-150 is 150W into 8 ohms and 225W into 4 ohms)
- or anything else?

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Dave
I have a bit too much bass in my system. I'll be happy to package up the extra send you some ;-).
I'd say reconsider a subwoofer. Unless you buy kilobuck speakers, you just can't hit those frequencies. I have a REL stadium with proac supertowers and I'm only sorry it took me so long to stop listening to the anti-subwoofer people and just buy it. I listen to (among other things) way-out electronic music which often includes very low frequencies - stuff that you feel more than hear - and the REL was a revelation. I have it on the lowest possible cutoff point and you'd never know it was even in the room - there's no directionality whatsoever.
I had the same problem you have and cured it by replacing my cdp with a Theta Miles cdp. It made a big difference and especially in the bass reproduction. However your speakers will not give you the bass that you are most likely looking for. Sonas Faber's website gives specs (40-20,000 hz) and refers to the woofer as a mid-woofer. I suspect your speakers were designed to work in conjunction with a subwoofer. You probably need to give it another try. Happy listening
I agree totally with Audiokinesis. If you really want to keep your mini-monitors, then more patience and experimentation with the sub-woofer thing is what is called for.