At the risk of getting slandered myself by someone (or a group of persons) who have elitist stigmas attached to them out there (and I hope and pray that they aren't any on this board), I am kind of like you also. I listen to R&B, Jazz, Fusion, and Rap/Hip-Hop as well, but my tastes in audio equipment is definitely high-end. Even though, I listen to the same type of music you listen to as well, the thought of owning anything made by Technics, Bose, Pioneer (unless it is an Elite model), or Sony (again, unless it is an ES model) is enough to make me cringe, if not make me puke altogether. While I cannot afford any Mark Levinson or Krell gear, I am not going to settle for any mass market crap either. The way I see it is this, if any audio component that calls itself a "high-end" component, then that tells me that THAT component strives to put accuracy and presentation over "tizz, boom, and sizzle" each and every day. The component in question should be able to reproduce the musical piece EXACTLY the way the artist has intended it to be reproduced. It should NOT add anything to it, NOR should it take anything away from it. It should reproduce the piece EXACTLY AS IS. It's all cut and dry when you sit down and think about it. The component in question should be able handle P Diddy, T-Pac, and WuTang just as well as it would handle the Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, and the Stones.
And just for the record, I listen to the same stuff you listen to (LL Cool J, Naughty By Nature, 2 Pac, Nortorious B.I.G., P-Diddy (including the stuff he put out when he was addressed as "Puffy"), DMX and Lil Kim), but I do has some Ella Fitzgerald and Count Basie (and some other Jazz artists) as well.
And I listen to it on THIS system:
KEF Reference 102 with KUBE Equalizer
Adcom GFA-545 MkII
Adcom GFP-750
Magnum Dynalab FT-101
Pioneer Elite DV-37 (has a surprisingly good audio section)
MITerminator 2/MITerminator 3 Interconnects
MITerminator 2 Speaker Cables
I also listen to rap music on a "high-end" audio system, and I see nothing wrong with it. Be true (no pun intended) to yourself. Listen to what you want, and do so on any system you feel like buying and listening to. Any one who cops an "elitist" attitude toward that, then I say, screw them. This is 2002 right now. We're supposed to be way beyond this kind of crap.
At the risk of getting slandered myself by someone (or a group of persons) who have elitist stigmas attached to them out there (and I hope and pray that they aren't any on this board), I am kind of like you also. I listen to R&B, Jazz, Fusion, and Rap/Hip-Hop as well, but my tastes in audio equipment is definitely high-end. Even though, I listen to the same type of music you listen to as well, the thought of owning anything made by Technics, Bose, Pioneer (unless it is an Elite model), or Sony (again, unless it is an ES model) is enough to make me cringe, if not make me puke altogether. While I cannot afford any Mark Levinson or Krell gear, I am not going to settle for any mass market crap either. The way I see it is this, if any audio component that calls itself a "high-end" component, then that tells me that THAT component strives to put accuracy and presentation over "tizz, boom, and sizzle" each and every day. The component in question should be able to reproduce the musical piece EXACTLY the way the artist has intended it to be reproduced. It should NOT add anything to it, NOR should it take anything away from it. It should reproduce the piece EXACTLY AS IS. It's all cut and dry when you sit down and think about it. The component in question should be able handle P Diddy, T-Pac, and WuTang just as well as it would handle the Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, and the Stones.
And just for the record, I listen to the same stuff you listen to (LL Cool J, Naughty By Nature, 2 Pac, Nortorious B.I.G., P-Diddy (including the stuff he put out when he was addressed as "Puffy"), DMX and Lil Kim), but I do has some Ella Fitzgerald and Count Basie (and some other Jazz artists) as well.
And I listen to it on THIS system:
KEF Reference 102 with KUBE Equalizer
Adcom GFA-545 MkII
Adcom GFP-750
Magnum Dynalab FT-101
Pioneer Elite DV-37 (has a surprisingly good audio section)
MITerminator 2/MITerminator 3 Interconnects
MITerminator 2 Speaker Cables
I also listen to rap music on a "high-end" audio system, and I see nothing wrong with it. Be true (no pun intended) to yourself. Listen to what you want, and do so on any system you feel like buying and listening to. Any one who cops an "elitist" attitude toward that, then I say, screw them. This is 2002 right now. We're supposed to be way beyond this kind of crap.