Electrostats Shootout at 4000 Corral

from the latest electrostat technology the gunslingers are from kansas the legendary MARTIN LOGAN with the ASSENT($4000) from utah SOUND LABS with their handsome DYNOSTAT($3900) and from georgia INNERSOUND with EROS PASSIVE($4000) to make this as fair as possibile KRELL 300i amp($3000 new $1200 used) and for CDP hmmm take the NAD C540($600 NEW) i would prefer GASMAN'S recommendation the powerful INNERSOUND ESL amp($3000 new) gives 300 watts into 8 ohms 600 into 4 and 1000 into 2. for cdp i would prefer the new GRANITE 657 TUBE CDP($2500). i have seen MARTIN LOGAN shoot, BEAUTIFUL! no dealers in new orleans for INNERSOUND or SOUND LABS , guess have to drive to houston or atlanta to hear these guys. you know it seems the shootout is not between these 3, its more like these 3 against the HUNDREDS of box LOUDspeakers(WITH THE WILSONS leading the pack and the MAGEPLANNARS are in the pack as well. sorry maggie devotes i'VE HEARD THE MAGGIE 1.6 with CALIFORNIA LABS CDP and a NAD amp as well with a ROGUE amp ,not impressed. so its a question of which of the 3 electrostat can knock off the most boxed LOUD speakers. tweekerman
Gasman and Plato just sent emails says Gasman "eros produce crisp sound...BUT 'beam' to a single seat" says Plato "M-3 needs GOBS of power to make them sing , but sound INCREDIBLE"..."I feel the EROS ARE the best on 'synergistic symphonic dynamic' sound" ... so disreguard previous post due to further credible witnesses. if anyone follows all the posts, seems INNERSOUND's EROS MK11 is as close as i'm going to get to 'dynamic synergistic symphonic sound'... i guess you are wondering how i came up with this imaginary phrase. my old Philips Dynamic 475 actually has a clear bubble tweeter its a mini electrostat, never could figure out why it produced mid+highs like no other tweeter when i bought them in 1982 its that quality of sound i was after (its a 2 way 6 in woofer, bass ok) puts b&w tweeter to shame. thanks for everone's interest tweekerman
Ljgj these aren't the ones that were for sale in the times picayune about 2 months ago, and i called, but this was before i ever knew what a electrostat was. NOW i know ,but honestly they are too big , need too much juice and i'm after the eros mk11. thanks anyway...by the way how much?
Thank god the CLSIIZ is going away, a true amplifier nightmare.

So you like classical music. What ARE you going to do about low bass, no, not THAT low bass, the low bass below 30HZ which would include Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Resphigi, any organ music with 16' and 32' pipes? You think this EROS can reproduce that? Maybe, but be careful, and be prepared to go to war over sub-woofers.