Are Definitive Technology BP 3000 TL worth their

I am about to buy a pair of BP300TL (1000 watts powered 18" subwoofer for each speaker) and 4 6.5" midrange drivers and 2 tweeters. Retail around $4500 for the pair. Please give me your opinions.
Depends on usage and how big your room is. I have a friend who is a professional soundman who uses them for home theater and absolutely loves them. The sweet spot is huge and great for allowing multiple users to listen to them at the same time. The bass is great for home theater also. He also likes them for music, but in general, it seems most folks love them for home theater but tend to think they just sound good for music. What kind of system are you pairing them with, how big a room and what will you be listening to, music or home theater?
I have owned an all Definitive Technology home theater system for a few years and believe its one of the best values in home theater systems. It simply sounds amazing. On music however it sounds good but not necessarily great. For serious music listening I rely on another system, but if its main use is HT by all means go for it.
I own Def Tech's for my home theatre and would buy them again. I have the BP-30's in front, CLR-2000 center, and BP-10's in the rear. These are not the powered speakers you are looking at, but share the same mid's and tweeters.

One word of warning, they take awhile to settle in, especially the tweeters. Right out of the box, the metal tweeters (mine anyway) were very bright, almost to the point of being irritating. As a result, I found that I could not listen to them for "music only" for extended periods. After less than 100 hrs., there was a dramatic change to the warmer side but they still sounded metalic. After another period (probably 50-75 hrs.) they got better to my ears, again.

I found the greatest improvement was when I changed cables to Analysis Plus Oval-9's for the front and center channels. The whole system is more detailed, clearer, and much less solid state sounding (sounds tube like, if you know what I mean).

If you wait for them to burn-in, I think you be happy.

Best regards.