Eidolon, Amati Homage, or Watt?

Although my Dunlavy SC4's are great, I've got the "bug" to change speakers. My system consists of CJ Premier 8 XS mono amps(135 watts/chan push-pull triode),CAT mk.3 preamp,Krell 20i cd player and a VPI table. The room is 20Lx18Wx17H with the speakers on the long wall and I listen to jazz and vocal.

I've never tried any other speakers in my home system
but auditioned the Amati and Watt/6 at dealers with different systems and while they are both good in their own way,I'm still looking. Can the Eidolon's deliver all the goods of the Dunlavy,s and more, with only the medium power of my amps? I would also welcome other speaker suggestions.
Not a particular fan of the W-P, I did audition the Eidolon, the Amati Homage, and the La Perfection by Venture. I bought the Venture. They simply did more right for my tastes. They are a flat impedance load and relatively efficient (92 dB). Beautiful to behold and a true world class speaker that is quite easy to drive (I'm using 50wpc SET, 12 wpc SET and 27wpc OTLs. Even the OTLs drive them effortlessly.)
Your mileage may vary, but I'd recommend at least a listen.
Good luck.
i agree with the utopia recomendation. i have heard the amatis, and watt puppys, and earlier avalons. the amatis are very smooth, but a little lite on dynamics. i think any of the speakers you mentioned are top shelf, but i think the utopias have less problems and with your great amps and seems to be wonderful system you will love the utopias.sound labs are also top shelf. good luck and keep us up to date.
It may be worth auditioning a pair of Alon Circes -- not the prettiest, but great sounding and far less $$$.