NJ Audio Weekend - who would come?

I was thinking of starting an semi-annual audio weekend in New Jersey where audiophiles (not dealers or industry insiders) could come and listen to music. The event would be held in several large rooms at a hotel or other facility. Four systems (or something like this) would be set up from group members. Members would list their systems an members would vote on what systems would be represented. So your system, should you want to participate, would be set up an listened to. Not sure what this would cost but if there is enough interest I would check into this. We would use Audiogon to establish the club and provide information.

I want to make this about meeting each other, hearing systems, helping each other, and most importantly listening to music from club members. Most of the gatherings I attend become more of swapping gear in and out for members to show what their gear can do and while I get to hear what a component can do for a system, it does get a little crazy at times and less about enjoying music and listening.

I maybe out of my mind for thinking this or suggesting this but, your thoughts and interest would be appreciated.

Happy Listening and hold off on the punches please.

Bigkidz- It's an idea with excellent intentions, and i applaud you for sharing it. Unfortunately, to do this in a public place such as a Hotel conference room, may be unrealistic. The cost associated with renting the space + the travel, packing,unpacking, may prove too much for many. I sure hope that I am wrong. Cheers -Don
Don, maybe. I think I could find something if I really wanted to. I know of a few that would even consider hosting an event at their homes. Where are you located?

Great idea! We need more people like yourself perpetuating our wonderful hobby.