Revel vs. Aerial vs. B&W

I am looking at upgrading my KEF Ref 3's and am considering Aerial's new 20T. Has anyone heard them? I have heard the B&W Nautilus 802's and think they are great - especially for the money. A friend of mine said I should consider the Revel Studios. I have never heard those. Feedback on them would be appreciated. I am using a Krell 3250/Lexicon MC12, FYI. Thanks!
I own the N802s, and extensively listened to them, relative to the AA 10Ts. To me, the N802s sounded more coherent (smoothness across the lows to highs): also, I liked the looks.)

The Studios are more comparative to the N802s: the Salons are in no-man's price-land; I really like the sound, but felt that the amp requirements simply added to the overall system cost.

I ended up with a pair of Sonus Faber Amati's. My wife was giving me a ton of grief about the prospects of any of the speakers I was considering. She saw a picture of the Amati's and found that speaker beautiful. And how!!! I really like the Amati's all the way around. Sonically, I believe that either Revel would have been very good. Sometimes in a marriage you just have to pick your battles and this was not one of those times(spare the wimp accusations please) :)
I bought the Studios over the B&W 801s. Much better midrange and imaging. (Bass on the 801s is hard to beat.)

Never heard the Aerials.