Revel vs. Aerial vs. B&W

I am looking at upgrading my KEF Ref 3's and am considering Aerial's new 20T. Has anyone heard them? I have heard the B&W Nautilus 802's and think they are great - especially for the money. A friend of mine said I should consider the Revel Studios. I have never heard those. Feedback on them would be appreciated. I am using a Krell 3250/Lexicon MC12, FYI. Thanks!

I ended up with a pair of Sonus Faber Amati's. My wife was giving me a ton of grief about the prospects of any of the speakers I was considering. She saw a picture of the Amati's and found that speaker beautiful. And how!!! I really like the Amati's all the way around. Sonically, I believe that either Revel would have been very good. Sometimes in a marriage you just have to pick your battles and this was not one of those times(spare the wimp accusations please) :)
I bought the Studios over the B&W 801s. Much better midrange and imaging. (Bass on the 801s is hard to beat.)

Never heard the Aerials.
I owned a pair of B&W 802's for years. I think at the price of the Matrix Series 3 they were and still remain a bargain in the high end audio biz. I have listened extensively to the Nautilas 802s and feel the "New" price is not justified. I now own Revel Studios and feel these are the best dynamic loudspeakers on the market at this price. Great combo of characteristics - Very detailed, not etched or harsh, extremely musical, accurate tonally, fabulous sound stage, with the right speaker cable and electronics, they will disappear and really make a holographic image. Be aware, they do like power. I would not run them with less than 100 watts / channel and they really need better than average speaker cable. I have heard them with many cables - my picks are Transparent Ultra or MIT 750 Magnum or better. I have attended many audio shows and have listened to many systems so I think my opinion counts here. I have heard the Aerial 10T's often with a variety of electronics. Excellent speakers also. I still chose the Revels. I think the Revels or the Aerial 10t's are real "keepers." The B&W's not necessarilly keepers. Why? They update the line every 3 years like clockwork and devalue the previous generation. Revel has not offered an updated version of their original line and Aerial rarely does so. When you build it right the first time, it sticks.