Full range box floorstanding recommend $3-5K range

after 3 years w/stats (ML, SL-3) I am ready for something a little fuller (more bass) and dynamic but yet detailed & great soundstage. i am looking to spend 3-5K new or used. i am looking for some ideas (meadowlark, coincident, joseph, talon, legacy, thiel, i'm sure there are some other great ideas out there, etc.) to start with. i am running a Pass X250 amp, pass x2 pre & Cary 303 CDP, all Cardas Golden Cross interconnects, Cardas Neutral Ref spr cables.
In that range there are a lot of good choices for you to consider, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses. If you have the room for them, I'd suggest Dunlavy SC-IVAs; I think they'd work well with your amplification and they are excellent, full range speakers. Another possibility you didn't mention above is Alon V speakers, a very open-sounding speaker with the qualities you're looking for, or the Alon Lotus speakers. It is not easy going from stats to dynamic speakers; you might also want to audition the Innersound hybrids, as they sound a lot better to my ears than the MLs, they may give you what you're craving.
Legacy Focus or Focus 20/20 loudspeakers would certainly provide you with a fuller sound, yet still retaining tremendous musical detail, both macro and micro-dynamics as well as virtually unlimited dynamic range. Your current equipment should work well with these speakers.

Happy hunting.