Full range box floorstanding recommend $3-5K range

after 3 years w/stats (ML, SL-3) I am ready for something a little fuller (more bass) and dynamic but yet detailed & great soundstage. i am looking to spend 3-5K new or used. i am looking for some ideas (meadowlark, coincident, joseph, talon, legacy, thiel, i'm sure there are some other great ideas out there, etc.) to start with. i am running a Pass X250 amp, pass x2 pre & Cary 303 CDP, all Cardas Golden Cross interconnects, Cardas Neutral Ref spr cables.
In that range there are a lot of good choices for you to consider, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses. If you have the room for them, I'd suggest Dunlavy SC-IVAs; I think they'd work well with your amplification and they are excellent, full range speakers. Another possibility you didn't mention above is Alon V speakers, a very open-sounding speaker with the qualities you're looking for, or the Alon Lotus speakers. It is not easy going from stats to dynamic speakers; you might also want to audition the Innersound hybrids, as they sound a lot better to my ears than the MLs, they may give you what you're craving.
Legacy Focus or Focus 20/20 loudspeakers would certainly provide you with a fuller sound, yet still retaining tremendous musical detail, both macro and micro-dynamics as well as virtually unlimited dynamic range. Your current equipment should work well with these speakers.

Happy hunting.
Take a look at the Vandersteen 3A Signatures. They'll throw a soundstage which extends beyond the spks(and room with your excellent front end). You'll be hard pressed to find something more neutral.
In addition to the suggestions above, you might want to take a look at ProAc Response 2.5's (new) or 3.8's (used).