coupling monitors to a stand


What do you think is the best way to couple a monitor to a stand...that doesn't dig into the speakers cabiinet?


If you want to secure the speaker to the stand to help insure the speaker will not get knocked off you could implant three brass threaded inserts into the bottom of your speaker. Next drill corresponding holes in the speaker stand and bolt them together. You might want to put a thin piece of rubber type material between the two to prevent scratching.
The speakers would sound better if you used threaded audio points on the speaker and coupling disks on the speaker stand, however the speakers could be knocked off the speaker stand easily. The second suggestion is what I did to my monitors and stands to improve the performance of the speakers. See website at
As above, Blu-tak or similar, available at most office supply stores. It will hold the speakers very securely, no worries about them getting knocked off, is an excellent coupler and damper, and is removable and reusable with no permanent damage to speaker or stands.
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They're making an interesting news product for
this application.
Four pea sized balls of Blue Tack (or the less expensive Blue stuff from Dep/Dap, can't rememeber the spelling).

For a glue like bond "cheap" vanilla ice cream will work (stick a quarter down to the floor with it, let it dry, and you will see what I mean:-).