Is it worth it?

I'll make this as brief as I can. I have a 15K front end, Audio Research, Theta, VPI etc. Retired to a small house, gave up my Von Schweikert 4.5s and listening room as part of the compromise my wife and I made. My room now is so small I need a monitor to try to get something I can live with with the quality of sound I'm use to. Nothing in this small town to hear, so can anyone suggest an alternative small speaker with state of the art sound? Envolving yet revealing. Thinking of Revel, Tyler, Totem but don't want to spend that kind of money if a lower cost speaker would come close, don't forget the room is the limiting factor. Help, before I throw in the towel!
Just listened to the Wilson Benesch Arc speaker. Not to many speakers move me like this one did. The bass was exceptional particularly for the size. I do have Proac 1.5 now and like allot, so I would agree with the others. I would say to get into the response line, although I have not heard the Tablette 8 signature. I have listened and enjoyed the Eggleston Isabel but the bass was not as good as the WB ARC.
I have a pair of Tyler Lynbrook Signature Monitors and they are incredible. My listening room is 12 x 16 and the speakers are 3 ft. out from the back wall and about 8 ft. apart. I am driving them with a 50 watt class A amp and the soundstage is huge, they image great and has the most natural sounding bass in a monitor speaker that I have ever heard. Ty is also a great guy to work with. The Lynbrook is the best monitor I have ever heard and I have listened to more speakers in the $2,000 - $5,000 range than I can rembember. Call Ty and discuss the possibilities he can offer.
Try the reference 3a decapos.As is almost always the case the best are rarely vocalized and go unnoticed by the masses here at audiogon.They are remarkably live sounding, not hi fi sounding so you will have to look pretty deep inside yourself to admit what you really want out of your system and experience of said.The decapos are the end result of about 3 decades of metamorphoses into what you hear today.I am a satisfied customer and nothing more.
You neglected to mention what your listening preferences are, music type volume level, and just how small this new listening room is. But for my money a pair of Gallo Solos are fantastic speakers. I've owned Gallos since the mid 90's starting out with the poly Solos then adding a set of base balls to create References, I now own a set of poly Solos and the Aluminum References. For a while I had the poly Solos set up at in a 15 x 25 foot great room with a large kitchen open to one side. The Solos produced a wonderful sound stage and produced enough volume to be heard out side the of house, while remaining dynamic and articulate in the room. I don't ever plan on replacing my Gallos with any other speaker.

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