Quality Bookshelf Speakers

I am looking to upgrade an older pair of Thiel SCS bookshelves running on a 10 year old NAD 80 watt per channel amp and preamp. Have a BW ASW2000 sub. Demoed a pair of BW 602 S3 bookshelves and they were amazing compared to older Thiels. My price range is up to about $1500 for new speakers but want to keep the look fairly small and likely bookshelves - have stands. Provide me with a list of 5 fairly accessible bookshelves that I should also listen to for my price range and amp - given that I might also upgrade the amp in the next year or two. Getting into listening to well recorded music and love what the two channel plus sub does for movies. Thanks for any advice.
David... The B&W 602 s3 one word, Awesome. Providing you mate them with the right electronics and cables. The advantage today is that Audiogon has got great products out there because the world needs home theatre and is literally giving away some really good equipment. What you need is a good amp i.e. Krell (old stuff) class A no fan. B&K 200 watts per, Bryston 200 watts, ARC 100 watt, etc. Pre-amp (tubes)CJ,ARC, (very reliable) Good CD Player, and good cables.
The speakers are very efficient and the tube -solid state combination takes the brightness out of the tweeters everybody complains about. These speakers will definitely let you here your equipment. You will like your music!
I would concur with Unsound...take your Thiels to a local hi-end shop...and run them with some decent cables and a good amp(such as Musical Fidelity)...although they are older...Thiel is a very hi end product...they have always been a proponet of "phase correct"(simple crossover) design...which only a handful of companies really do..Vandersteen,Meadowlark,etc...and since they are a difficult load to drive(4 ohm/low sensitivity)...quality amplification is a must for dynamics,etc...