Vandersteen users; do you biamp?

I have been narrowing my search to the loudspeakers that I will be getting next year. Besides listening, I have read many reviews and I have read from some reviewers that unless Vandersteens are biamp, you won't get as good a sound.

Users, how about it?
Matchstikman,bi-wiring is just running 2 seperate cables to each speaker,1 cable will be for the mids and 1 for the bass.So you wind up having 2 cables going to your left speaker mid and bass imputs.and 2 cables going to your right speaker mid and bass inputs.At the amp end you can have the ends of the cable terminated so that it will look like any other cable 1 left spade or banana plug going to the left amp input,and the same for the right amp input.Some people just buy 2 sets of cable and connect them as is ,the perferred way is the former set-up.
Bi-amping is much more involved so if you aren't going to go that route just keep it simple.
I think all of the above posters will agree that Vandersteen is one hell of a speaker for the $,so ask your dealer or better yet just call Vandersteen..He'll be very direct ,no B.S. and of course very helpful...good luck
Matchstikman; just for the record, bi-wiring and bi-amping are NOT the same thing, and I agree with Joeavid's post above. Also, as it's generally used in audio language, using subs is also not considered either bi-amping or bi-wiring.

The Vandersteen manual does strongly recommend bi-wiring and explains well how to do it. Vandersteen also recommends passive bi-amping, but if you're really not "into" this audio stuff, leave bi-amping alone, and as I stated above, the sonic gains are minimal anyway. One GOOD amp is better than two mediocre ones.

Keep it simple man and enjoy the music. If you are going to get Vandersteen speakers, whatever model, please, please, please do yourself a favor and get an appropriate owners manual-- even if you have to pay $5. for one from Vandersteen. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig
Garfish,this is what Vandersteen says about using the WQ subs" The drivers are connected to a built-in 300 watt amplifier with advanced feed-forward error correction. This powerful amplifier provides the benefits of bi-amplification to the system without the additional expense and complexity of an additional separate amplifier" So technicaly it's NOT bi amping as you say but does provides the would be an interesting shootout to try both.
Joe- there really would be no comparison, as the sub provides an additional dimension, in addition to additional amplification. The quote from Richard Vandersteen, is, I am sure, referring to the fact that you will "free up" substantial power from your main amplifier by not having to reproduce the lowest bass notes. If you've ever had an amp with meters and watched them swing in time with the bass line, you will know what I mean.
In my setup using even a single Vandersteen 2Wq improved the sound much more than when I tried Bi-Amplifing without the sub.
Using the sub also eliminated some serious room resonances around 80hz that I couldn't eliminate by repositioning the speakers. Personally, if I were you I would not worry about Bi-Amping at this time, and just bi-wire (if you can afford it). When you are ready to step up, then compare Bi-Amping to using a Vandersteen 2Wq.. and judge for yourself which gets more for the money.
In the meantime, keep listening and try not to get headaches over gear :)
