Anyone heard outstanding sub/sat combinations?

I was exploring the sub/sat alternative and was curious if anyone had heard outstanding sound from such a setup?
(Primarily curious about one sub,but all comments welcome.)
Its funny you should mention this. I just heard this awesome Sub Sat combo at the CES show. Its by Angstrom. Here's a pic of it.
SF Guarneri Homage and a pair of REL Strata subs. Good on their own, better with something like a Tact to ensure seamless integration
The last issue of $ensible Sound has a review of an Ascend CBM 170 w/Hsu VTF-2 set up that came in around $800-900 that comparabled well with some $5000 Dunlavy Cantatas full range speakers when played at moderate levels.
SF Guarneri with the bigger SF sub; AP Step with Luna sub. I liked the sound -- but I'd shy away from the word "outstanding"...
Main electronics are important though, to get a seamless/coherent sound.