ribbon or electrostatic speakers

Are there any ribbon or electrostatic speakers that you can feel the impact of the bass?
Duke summed up the issue of 'feeling the impact' with ribbon / electrostats and explained their limitations very well. However, that kind of room shaking bass that some box speakers and subwoofers can create may detract or at least distract from the overall experience of hearing a good audio system. It is very much at home in a HT application but I wouldn't trade quality bass (fast, deep, tight, pitch accurate) for bass that is more about quantity than quality.
I'm using Maggie 3.6's and I'm still very much in the experimentation stage, but I'm hearing some excellent bass from these speakers. Matching the right amp has been difficult, but I'm getting a flavor of their true bass potential using a Perreaux 2150. I'm measuring good output at 25hz, and it's clean bass without sending boom and vibration around the room, so it doesn't detract from the mid range, where the real quality of any planer/electrostat lies.
In a slightly smaller room, (my room is quite large), I think a 3.6 with a good amp could provide all of the bass quantity and quality that one could need and without having the integration nightmares of trying to add a sub.
The Gilmore Audio audio speakers are reminiscent of the Carver Amazing Loudspeakers, 60" of ribbon partnered with 4 subs in an open baffle design. I still have a pair sitting in a spare bedroom, thought I haven't listened to them in years. Those Carvers took monster amps to make them sing.
VMPS speakers will do what you want with ease. They're hybrids but the ribbons handle 166hz to 10khz. All the slam you could want.
I have heard the Gilmore model 2 and model 3 speakers.

All I can say is that (on axis) they are one of the most AMAZING speakers I have yet heard... PERIOD.

Their bass (even the model 3's) is simply stunning. It is the closest bass I have heard to live bass coming from a speaker. The model 3 is rated at -3db @ 22hz, and I absolutely believe it.

The Gilmore speakers are also easy to drive. I heard them driven by 60wpc OTL tubes. No need for monster amps with this speaker.

Frankly, I have not been this excited over a speaker in a long time.

Email me if you have any questions.

That is great news! How much are they? I have heard complaints about their looks. Of course, that is a personal bias. I bet they are very costly. This is why I treasure the Scintilla. It's cheap. It is a son of a gun to power, but that isn't the problem it was before, now with the advent of capable class D amps. I have one eAR2 doing magic on my Scinnys. By the way, the Scintilla does 20Hz at even db. It's bass planar panel is as fast as the ribbons. FYI there is a ribbon producer Down Under, Graz, who is building his first cost is no object full range ribbon speakers using rare earth magnets. His hybrid, the Perigee, has been well received.