How often to Audiophiles upgrade their equipment?

I am eternally confused as to how and when I should spend my money. I started into this hobby a little more seriously about 3 years ago and have the bug in full now. I do very much enjoy listening to music. However, there is always confustion on how to spend my money. I am not being very clear. Let me start again.

Currently I have a home theater setup in the family room with a Rotel RSX-972 reciever, B&W 603S3 mains, LCR600 CC, ASW1000 SW, 602S2 surrounds, Sony 999ES DVD/SACD and Sony KP51WS500 TV. I have started a second budget system in the main living room for music only and it has Monitor Audio Bronze B2 speakers, Rotel 1060 Amp, and Rotel 961 CD player.

I am generally quite happy with this setup and enjoy them very much. But off course I am always thinking what can I do better and if I should at all. Having a young family, I doubt I will ever buy some of the very high end euipment or if I would want to. But I have an opportunity to uprgade my speakers now with a very small loss. I was thinking of the 604S3, but having looked at them, they are just too big and frightened me off. The next step up to the B&W CDM series is quite a bit more. But to go to that line, I should probably also upgrade my amplification first.

I guess what I am getting at is, how long do "real" audiophiles stay happy with their equipment and when do they decide it is time to upgrade. For example, I was thinking of always sticking with a budget, and stick with my equipment for say 5 years (unless their is something terribly wrong) and then get new equipment/newer models different brands but using the same amount of money as in the original budget five years earlier.

If this question makes any sense, please relate your thoughts and experiences.
I usually do one major upgrade a year around my birthday which is coming in about a month (lucky me). What I upgrade really depends on what I want to improve. This year I am going to upgrade two items:

I have a number of edge-warped records that are real treasure to me. I have tried all ways and means to flatten them without much success. So I have just ordered a ring clamp and a VPI HR-X platter upgrade for my Aries. The ring clamp is really all I need but it won’t work with the Aries platter (too small) so I am getting both. They should be arriving in about a week.

I am also looking into getting a better phono amp. I am using a Krell KPE standard now. It is a very good all-around performer – quiet, dynamic, good bass, easy to use; but it lacks the kind of emotional touch that I used to experience from an AR SP-6A. There are so many choices that I am considering: Hagerman Trumpet, Acoustech PH.D, a used Manlay Steelhead, etc; and I have no way to audition most of them so the final decision won’t be easy.
I hear no reason to upgrade. Urge is the curse. Spit in its eye. If you cannot articulate your goal, as Thomas Aquinas taught us, you do not know what it is. Breathe andwait for it to become a well formed goal. Meantime be in your family and let the music flow
Good words Aceto!

The reason i want to upgrade is that i have a hard time finding anything i really like about my rickety crappy system.

hell, i am actually in the position where i can "Upgrade" to a bose Accoustimass.

Slappy, the last Slappy I knew was my history teacher and Golden Gloves champ. Slappy used to entertain us in the cafeteria by grasping a fly in front our noses with his massive fist. He would slowly open his fist to reveal the compacted fly. He taught the same way. There was a music point I was going to make...
I relize this is an older thread but couldnt resist. My first system was put together in 1985. NAD receiver, tt and a pair of bose. In 86 i dumped the bose in favor of a pair of minimus 7's and 2 diy bass cabinets and added a JVC 6 disc changer. This system lasted untill 1990 when I upgraded to an Adcom pre GFP 555II and a pair of Adcom GFA 555's 1 pair of Klipsh 1 pair of Pioneer a Dennon CDP and a yamaha tt with an orthophon om20. This system lasted untill 2001. The reason for a complete system rebuild is a long story. But in 2001 I picked up a pair of B&W CDM9NT and a Dennon DVD2800 then I ended up getting a B&K pre and a B&K amp. At the and of 2003 came the bug. I went in for a few minor upgrades, cables and a power conditioner.

The rest of the story is in my current system (Bit By the Bug). Yes I am tweeking.

The moral of this story is listen to Elizabeth.

Remember to take the system as a whole.
