Make sure their are no internal mounts holding the driver in place. Feel around the perimeter on the inside the driver and make sure their are no "clamps". Being a 15" I would think you could get some leverage from the rear to break loose and glue/varnish.
Rocking/twisting motion on the magnet assembly to loosen things up. Hopefully not the magnet assembly itself.
Leave it alone for a day and come back with a clear head. Try not to think about it during the day.
Swift kick.
Good luck,
Make sure their are no internal mounts holding the driver in place. Feel around the perimeter on the inside the driver and make sure their are no "clamps". Being a 15" I would think you could get some leverage from the rear to break loose and glue/varnish.
Rocking/twisting motion on the magnet assembly to loosen things up. Hopefully not the magnet assembly itself.
Leave it alone for a day and come back with a clear head. Try not to think about it during the day.
Swift kick.
Good luck,