Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
I would like to concur with the above responses. I've spoken to Roy several times and he's been very helpful and informative. Like everyone's said, he's been very busy and is trying his best to keep up with correspondence. I have the Europas and they are fantastic.
I just got off the phone with Roy (1/19 3:05 pm EST) and he wanted me to tell everyone he hasn't checked emails since last Thursday, because he is busy filling orders. Knowing how cool Roy is, I'm sure he will be in touch with you as soon as possible. If you need to get in touch with him immediately I recommend giving him a call.

I asked Roy if he was going to show at C.E.S. in January and he said he hasn't made up his mind yet. It will depend on workload.

So, yes GMA is still in business and going strong! :-)
Yup, I agree about Roy. He has spent much time with me on the phone over the repair of shipping damage to my Europas and other issues. He makes time for his customers in my experience. Scott
I talked to Roy a while back for over an hour on the phone.Very nice guy ..maybe one day I will get a chance to try out a pair of his speakers. Right now thou I'am addicted to Magnepans.
Seems like roy is working his butt off.
So is demand outscaling the availability of product?

i hear so many fantastic things about the GMA eurpoa's, here in a month or so i was hoping to buy some. GMA is only about an hour's drive from where im at, i was hoping i could go down an pick up a pair eventually. Is there a waiting list on these? if so, anyone know how long?