Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Roy was nice enough to call me after I bought my Europa's to ask me how I like them. We had an hour long conversation. A very nice man.
Roy is the shit...and thats a good thang...very intelligent...and very charming...I love my Europas....however...I understand the demand for them is be patient...they are worth it....
for about a month. I've e-mailed Roy 2 days ago, but no response, I'll be calling him tommorrow. Hope I'm not in the same camp as the other guy who claims never rec'd speakers
Just to be clear.............if you want to get thru to Roy, give him a call. E-mail is not his strength. While he may take some time to actually deliver product, his speakers compete with the best out there at any price and Roy is a true gentleman.
appears to be buried in work, hopefully that's a good thing. Promised to get my Europa's out first of week, an internal oversight, he thought they went out weeks ago. I'm cool with that.