Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Slappy, give Roy a call... he will be able to answer all your questions. Since you only live about an hour away I would encourage you to go visit him and listen to his offerings. Roy is very personable and eager to talk about all things related to audio. As a matter of fact, yesterday he spent a significant amount of time on the phone helping me with a audio related project I'm working on.

Not much to add.....give him a call or email him your number and be patient. Busy guy, but took the time to call me and have a long converstaion last month. Can't wait to hear his speakers.
Roy was nice enough to call me after I bought my Europa's to ask me how I like them. We had an hour long conversation. A very nice man.
Roy is the shit...and thats a good thang...very intelligent...and very charming...I love my Europas....however...I understand the demand for them is be patient...they are worth it....
for about a month. I've e-mailed Roy 2 days ago, but no response, I'll be calling him tommorrow. Hope I'm not in the same camp as the other guy who claims never rec'd speakers